foster carers and parents legal briefing

This legal briefing for foster carers applies well to adopters, guardians and any other kind of parent who is looking after a child who presents with violent behaviour at home.

3 Lessons


Not started

10 deescalation tips

This is a short explanation of ten key things that team can do to reduce conflict in their services.  Ranging from non-escalation through to de-escalation, crisis management and closure, these tactical tips will help any team to handle conflict expertly.  School staff who learn and practice these tactics on our courses find them beneficial and effective.

10 Lessons


Not started

Positive Handling Tips

You may want to try out a few of the videos from our full online positive handling course, with unique content designed and delivered by our Director of Training Gerard O'Dea, expert witness, author and veteran trainer in the areas of behaviour management, positive handling and restraint reduction.  In these selected few lessons from the online course, you will experience how we create learning through the online experience for your teams.  We hope it is beneficial and useful for you as you consider the needs of your school or setting.

5 Lessons


