Here are feedback scores from the most-recent period.

Here are our 2018 Feedback Survey Scores!
2016 Feedback Scores
> The course was presented in a professional way with opportunity to discuss the scenarios within our working environment.
> A lot of information to fit into 1 day although all very relevant. Would’ve liked more time to practice the moves but their wouldn’t have been time to fit it all in in 1 day if there was this opportunity.
> The session was informative, interactive and the instructor expressed an understanding of roles in the team clarifying what we are expected to do and Not to do. I was able to relate to the scenarios and experiences shared by the instructor and this will positively impact on my decision making and actions in future. I am looking forward to training again on the topic – Dealing with the post positive handling stress.
> Thank you. It was a really good day and all comments from staff have been positive.There was a good mix of theory and practice and case studies helped to engage the staff. The techniques taught were simple and easy to use. We have already used the method used to hold and walk with a child.
> Informative and empowering for our staff, especially those who had not had any training in this area previously. Thank you
> Splitting the session into whole school knowledge components then key staff practical training was a very good use of time/resources. The practical skills were de-constructed in a very useful and understandable way. Overall it was a very professionally delivered training session and one which we would be happy to book again.
> I only attended the theory training, not the specialised physical – the information received was clear and helpful, specifically information on how a child may hurt a member of staff using various parts of their body, I hadn’t considered this before. It was also good to know information from a legal standpoint.
> A very good course, which all Duty Managers should attend. I learned a lot.
> The training was at a good pace and I felt I received the relevant information and advice to support and extend my knowledge and understanding of positive handling.
> I felt both reassured that I have dealt with previous situations adequately and equipped to lead of support with future incidents. I also felt reassured that such techniques are valid as disruptive behaviour does have such a big impact on teaching and learning. I felt that the theory side (reasons to not restrain on the floor etc) was useful especially having watched a subsequent documentary on the dreadful techniques used by a team of adults on teenagers in a youth detention centre. I felt like screaming at the tv how dangerous, excessive and inappropriate their actions were. It also made me realise my responsibility as a potential witness if something was to go wrong. Thank you
> More techniques on younge children would have been helpful but appriciate it’s hard to please everyone
> I received the basic training, but would have benefitted from the more advanced training, which is why I found the content disappointing – even the simple course should be extended to more advanced techniques – how do you cope in a situation when you have to send for one of the team that has the extra depth of training?
> I really enjoyed the course. I learnt a lot of very useful information. Thank you
> A very useful and informative course. The theory input was extremely enlightening and made use fully aware of our rights and responsibilities.
> Superb Training- Ideal for what was needed! Thank you 🙂
> Found the theory really interesting and felt it laid a good foundation before completing the practical side of the course.
It could have been beneficial to swap groups more when completing the practical sections.
> The course was extremely useful and well taught.
> The training provided me with very effective strategies I could use and I now feel much more confident in dealing with behaviour in this way.
> The course met all of my expectations.
> The course was extremely informative and helpful, the instructor was very thorough and knowledgeable. I have since tried use some of the handling techniques with a colleague who was also on the course, but find them difficult with small children screaming and kicking!
> The training was very comprehensive and the trainer was very supportive
> It was good to do the online questions and learning before the course as it meant that aspects could be referred to rather than spend time going trhough. It also meant you got thinking about what you wanted from the course.
The techniques were put across in an excellend way, and the next day the staff put into practise what had been taught. We worked together as a team and felt empowered as all of us had had the same training and knew what was expected of us. It was different size-wise for a 5 year old as obviously we had practised on adults – not sure how you can rectify that one!!
> The training was very thorough and it was made specifically to meet the needs of the school. Staff have all said they felt more confident when dealing with challenging behaviour, and I have been provided with excellent additional information to support me in my position as head teacher. Thank you.
> Relevant theory explored during session particularly helpful.
> The practical experience was extremely relevant to our current need. The theory also turned out to be very important in discovering what is classed as ‘high risk’. Thank you for your assistance.
> Excellent pace and use of time Well delivered Good subject knowledge Training has already been put into practice. Guidance was also reassuring that good practice is being followed in school
> This course was useful for my work life. I have struggled in the past but doing this course I have a good knowledge and know the right techniques in dealing with children in the future.
> Great morning, pitched just right and puts us in a much stronger position now for the challenges we face. Staff feel more confident and supported which is key to our moving forward.
> Really thorough and because it developed and we practised at each stage it really helped to understand and embed what we should be doing.
Thank you.
> The trainers background and experience instilled confidence in the training. Gary was very knowledgeable and made the training session most enjoyable.
> Very good course, much better that expected and the practical training I feel is invaluable.
> I had been wanting this training and knowledge for some time, because I was worried about the’ facts’ of handling and was getting very mixed advice. The course involving all staff at the school was very appropriate so we all heard the delivery together and so we are now working as a team. Thank you for a very professional session.
> The trainer worked well to adapt the course to suit the questions and experiences the school had, had to date to make the course more true to life.
> Excellent training and advice given. Instructions were very clear.
> Excellent course. Goodie of theory and practice , thank you.
> Good mix of examples from EYFS, KS1 and 2.
> This was a great course – pitched exactly right. Good that much of the theory was completed online.
> Watching the training videos before the course was a good idea, helped you focus on course as prep work had been completed. Good that trainer broke down tactics while practising, make sure you were more aware of reasons behind techniques rather than ‘just do this’. After the initial self-conscious phase of course (having to role play in front of others), course was very enjoyable and worthwhile.
> Thank you. I found the course very informative.
> Thought the training was very good
> Excellent – I would recommend this to other colleagues Thank you!
> Informative, both in the theory and practical application within the school environment
> I found this course very helpful. The instructor answered all our question we had very well
> I learnt a lot on this course of how we can use certain moves to control a child they were a lot easier than the other course I went on about positive handling.
> Good delivery and opportunity to practise physical skills taught.
> A ‘script’ for talking through the initial stages of dealing with a child in a distressed state would be useful to refer to regularly in order to keep that knowledge in my head. It was an excellent course and very thought provoking, as well as lots of practical advice. Thank you.
> Would have been helpful to have some of the scripts/ holds to be be included in the pack- its amazing how quickly you forget and having an image/ script to refer back to would really help. I appreciate that you might not want things to be too prescribed, but I heard this quote once, that you practice to get get things right, but to make sure you never get it wrong! I do think in this case, the more we get the scritps/suggested
Think it was a good mix of theory in a variety of areas (physical, anger management, legalities) which informed practice. The importance of ensuring the structure in the school e.g polices etc are clear for everyone’s protection, was an extremely important element.
> I would have liked to have had a bit more time to learn about dealing with more problematical students
> The training was very useful and gave us lots of safe ways to work with other adults to help a child.
> The course was very good and I am certain that I will need to put this training in practice (I provide special 1-2-1 support). Could have done with being slightly longer as I would have liked a bit more time to practice the moves learnt at the end of the day.
> I don’t have anything to add but thank you for a good training session.
> Very good but hope I never have to use it.
> I found the training very useful. I feel i would now be confident enough to difuse a situation if needed.
> Very useful tips which I have already practise. Techniques and tactics work well… so big thank you.
> The course was conducted professionally and all the questions answered effectively.
What was taught was mastered and this is very important when you have a big audience
> Would be great to get more of a course pack with some of the visuals on it.
> Very good
> This was the second positive handling training I have attended and they were quite different (although the techniques are the same), but they did complement each other.
> My first insight into positive handling training, found it very informative. Good to know how to keep yourself safe, although felt I would struggle to apply techniques to small children.
> The training with Dynamis was one of the best course I have done during my nanny career. It was very useful to learn how to restrain an aggressive child without making any harm on him in case of necessity as Im working with high functioning autistic child. Thank you!
> Our Instructor was really knowledgeable and was able to provide us with very practical techniques. We were given time to practice these techniques with our colleagues and then were able to discuss how we got on/what could be improved upon etc in a really constructive way.
There seemed to be a good balance between the theory and the practical training.
> Being small, I particularly enjoyed being taught techniques that do not rely on strength or physical size. The training was largely hands-on (apart from the online training of course) and that helped me internalise the techniques.
> Was a great course I would highly recommend it.
> hi first I would like to thank you for spending your time in coming out to our school. I found the course very helpful especially how times have changed and the laws have changed so much in physical handling of children, its good to know there are courses out there and instructors that know how to explain everything. I found the course very helpful indeed.
> Great session !
> I found the course interesting, informative and well lead. I have not yet encounter situations where I would need the restraint kills but can see their huge value and there were aspects of the talk and info that had implications in dealing more generally with difficult situations where individuals get emotional. I can see the specific restraint techniques may be something I could need in the future. I do feel some further practice would be needed to be fully skilled in applying them. Thank You
> The course was well run and managed. Whilst the course delivered in its expectations it opens up more awareness and needs. For example, support in the use of language that may avoid escalation.
> We had a good training day and Dainamic is a good training institute.
> The course met my needs and I now feel confident to deal with a situation if it arises. The course was delivered perfectly, and also a lot of reminders if we had any disabilities. He showed us how we could do the activity safely.
> There was a very good mix of legislation, de escalation strategies and positive handling. A good balance taught with key examples. Thank you very much for an excellent day.
> Relevant and appropriate for our school setting, Trainer very thorough with health and safety.
> Very informative – particularly the theory behind behaviours. De-esculation strategies useful.
> Engaging. Tailored to meet the needs of the school
> Nothing to add except that not having any idea what to expect made some of my colleagues a little apprehensive.
> Maybe provide a visual that provides key info eg Imminent risk, Talk down etc
> Would have liked a little longer to go further into different components as there were lots of questions by others and would have liked a little more practical demonstrations , but I have since put in place the tactics that were shown into place and have been most helpful within my field.
I really enjoyed the course and came away with a different view and tactics that I didn’t before
very good and professional trainer I enjoyed and found this course most helpful Thank you.
> I would have liked a diagram of the various holds taught in order that I could refresh my knowledge when not using them.
> The course was delivered professionally and physical handling safely practised.
> Excellent delivery, with the right combination of talk and activity. Thank you
> The training was extremely useful and hopefully in the future, we will also have the opportunity to take part in training about the communication techniques to de-escalate situations that could potentially become violent/threatening.
> thank you, an interesting day, light hearted at times but very informative. Would have appreciated a handout of the power point as well as the information given
> The most helpful part was the theory / law implications that were well explained. This ensured that we understand the law implications in the context of positive handling. The control stage and advice was very helpful as well. Overall an excellent course and will highly recommend in the future. Many thanks
> The training was well presented and a good mixture of theory and practical. The practical scenarios and moves taught were relevant and tailored to the needs of a school and were age appropriate. Care was taken to ensure our safety and the instructor was friendly and organised.
> The training was very good and relevant to the situations I deal with in school. The trainer did a great job in ensuring we were aware of the theory behind what we were learning and also the importance of communication.
> I thought it was an excellent course. Gerard was very clear with his instructions. It was also good to have the legal justification for when, and when not, to use restraint on a children. Several staff have already had to use the techniques that they learned and have felt much more comfortable using them. I would highly recommend this training.
> Really enjoyed the session. Thank you.
> The training provided a good mix of theoretical and practical application which has given me new tools to deal with situations involving aggression. The Universal Greeting, body language tasks and Persuasion matrix are most memorable to me. The trainer was knowledgeable and clear in his communication of the various ideas and actions he wanted to convey. It was helpful to actually practice the techniques being taught so that some “muscle memory” was invoked. This has helped the training stay with me.
> absolutely loved this course. i have done another course similar but it was in no way as informative as this. the trainer took time out to explain everything. would do more courses with this company/trainer any time. i really enjoyed it
> I could see the venue was not ideal for the trainer he managed very well. I really appreciated the practical help concerning gestures. Appreciated also the emphasis on respecting any person. I am just starting in this job and it was good to share that good training with colleagues Thank you
> Learnt so much on the course. Excellent delivery for the practical side with plenty of practice throughout the day. Feel confident in using the techniques I learnt. Also good to learn the legal side as had little knowledge of this previously.
> The course was a good mix of practical and theory. It was very interesting to hear about real life cases and to learn about the legal side of situations.
> It was very useful as many of us were unsure of how much restraint we are allowed to use on a child, this was clarified in the course and we learnt it was also a duty to restrain a violent child.
The course has given me more confidence when dealing with a violent child. The only obvious difficulty in our practicing was not having the correct height , ie a child .
> The training was excellent!
> The course was excellent from start to finish. Having assumed that we would be learning things that were similar to Team Teach I was really pleased to learn something new, and in my opinion better. The moves that we learnt along with the strategies to prevent using the moves felt very natural and also effective. It was also great to learn more about the legal side and knowing how the law protects teachers if they take the right steps. As a result of the course we would like to train more of our staff.
> I thought the corse was excellent. I’ve tick the ‘slightly too short’ box for the duration of the course because I would have liked to have had the opportunity to present scenarios relevant to the specific situation faced in our school for Gerard to give advice on – however, I understand this would probably be difficult in a one day session – and there’s not much you could do about that if you’ve only been booked for one day! Many thanks for an informative day!
> No further thoughts. A very useful, well delivered course.
> I enjoyed the course content that allowed me deeper understanding of the situations I face daily in my role. I would personally have preferred less role play but fully understand it’s benefits.
> The Training was appropriate and what I had been looking for from the training provider. The training seemed to give positive learning to staff with lots and little experience. Understanding of teh client group and the local situation helped make the day worthwhile.
> Thank you for showing us good techniques.
> I personally would have liked a greater mix of physically strategies coupled with scripts and ideas for how to calm children down.
> I felt that the training was very relevant to the job that we do. With the client group we work with there are times when we are faced with confrontation. I felt that the training displayed a style that will allow us to calm such a situation more effectively and perhaps quicker.
> I would feel confident using the methods I have learnt
> very accessible and restraint exercises seemed very effective
> I really enjoyed the course and thought it was delivered in a really good way. One of the best training courses I’ve attended in over 10 years of working within the care sector.
> Very relevant
> Gerard is clear, concise and gives a 360% view of the practice and legislation. The skills of Positive Handling are demonstrated with great precision and attention.
> We have used Dynamis 3 times and each time he adapted it to the challenges we are experiencing now. I was impressed with the new containment strategies for one person , this helped me personally. Overall I felt I leant a lot and feel more sure for future incidents.
> This training was of a high standard and delivered brilliantly – just the right mix of getting to know everyone, theory and practice – although it would have been nice to have just a little longer to practice the skills we had been learning (literally another 1/2 hr or so over the day). Gerard was particularly good at putting things into perspective – in regards to the law and our duty of care – when sometimes we are too emotionally involved to make the correct decisions involving our own personal safety, thinking only of the children we teach. It was great that we were able to ask him questions specific to our own settings and to get advice on particular children we care for. The website resources are useful too – I think we shall be adapting / magpie -ing some for use in our setting. Overall, a day very well spent. Thank you.
> Would have liked some material to take away as it is hard to remember all the techniques covered to use in practice.
> Would recommend to see course to anyone in setting.
> well delivered training appropriate for workplace Emphasis on no horse play was very clear
> thank you . The training refreshed my previous knowledge.
> Twas great. Although ive done a disengagement trsining course before, Gerry kept my attentjon and interest all through the course. Cheers Gerry
> The trainer, Zeb, was obviously well qualified and had a thorough knowledge of the whole area. He delivered the training excellently and was very clear on our responsibilities. His demonstrating skills enabled all of us to learn and to deliver the techniques we were shown if necessary.
> Enjoyed it, this time we concentrated more of one to one handling , which was more relevant to what we need at the moment. Well explained and shown several times for people like me who don’t pick up thing very quickly.
> I have been on a few positive handling training courses and this was the best so far. She gave us holds that were viable in our setting and easy to use. Unfortunately, we have already had to use the holds, but they were affective and we all felt confident that we were not hurting the children when doing so. Thank you
> I thoroughly enjoyed the course and learned a lot. I feel more confident now knowing how to restrain a child without causing harm to them or myself
> Very useful. Seemed up to date. Would have preferred to do the course during the day/morning rather end of working day as very difficult after a full working day.
> Very good training – can’t fault it.
> Good mixture of sitting talking, discussing and then physically learning, well balanced.
Very clear instructions delivered.
> Gerard was an excellent trainer. He was patient and explained everything in depth. He also listened to all of our questions and explained techniques that would benefit us in a school environment. Thanks for a brilliant training day!
> I found the course an eye opener to the specific health & safety issues. The content of the course will be very helpful when running my Forest School sessions. Thank you.
> I thought the course was well delivered. It was the correct pace and the content was very relevant for us to apply to our work practices. The instructor was very knowledgable and made the course engaging and enjoyable.
> The course gave us information and techniques that could be used to cover a range of incidents.
The theory was interesting and useful, in the context of what we were learning. It was useful to hear about holds that should not be used.
> I enjoyed the training very much. The trainer was absolutely fantastic, really had us working. He is a credit to the Dynamis team.
> Awesome course! I feel I am able and confident to apply my new skills for my job.
> While I have worked at sentinel for 3 and a half year and I compleated the training before with the female trainer. I felt the training was very helpful with in my roll I would like to thank the trainer as things I had forgotten quickly came back into my head so thankyou.
> The staff who attended the course went away feeling more confident and empowered. They felt happy that should any positive handling be required, they could do it in a safe way. Pauline was fantastic and made the training personal to our setting and the situations we meet.
> I was very please with the training and I found it very helpful with my day to day working date. Would Highly recommend
> First part of the training was a bit boring , but it was information that we needed to know . Overall the training was excellent .
> The only note I would make is that as I work with small children I would have found it useful to have a little more practice of the drills at kneeling / chair level to get more of a feel as to what it maybe like handling a small child. Generally the course was excellent.
> Our trainer gave an outstanding delivery of the theory part of the course.
> I thought that the course delivered its objectives very well thank you
> Took a lot back to school that we can implement and start putting into practice. Where we stood in law was very useful.
> The training exceeded my expectations. I did think it was slightly too long winded (the amount of times we had to practice each restraint).
> Good course – have used one fo the holds already – very useful
> I found the course informative and the skills I have learnt will enable me to deal with situations within school confidently and effectively.
> Training was excellent. Theory and practical session.
> Everyone had the chance to ask questions. A colleague was quite rightly asked to sit out the remaining course, due to their inability to listen, take part and understand what they were doing wrong. This puts colleagues and residents at risk of harm. After which it was explained what injuries could happen and why. If people behave as if they don’t want to be on the course, they should be asked to leave sooner, as it spoils it for everyone else trying to take part.
> I really enjoyed the practical parts of the course and found the theoretical parts made a lot of sense. It was informative and helpful. The instructor knew his area very well and was very experienced.
> It was a really nice course. It was both fun and very informative.
> It was my first time when I had such training. I did not know what to expect, however, I have not been disappointed. Was a brilliant experience, I have gained a lot of knowledge and know I know better how to keep myself safe as much as our guest too. Thank you very much. I do not know what to add in plus. The training was profesionis and engaging every single of us.
> the training i received will help me in my work place with the knowledge i have learnt.
> It was a great experience, for some one that has never done restraint training- it was a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills. These skills were learnt efficiently, well thought out.
> Gerard was very knowledgeable, he explained different scenarios clearly and gave plenty of time to practise the new skills
> The instructor made me feel comfortable and able to ask questions, no matter how small they were and every one was answered so that we could take it directly I to our work setting.
> I only thought the course was too short as I felt there was a lot more to learn and one day could never be enough! I was pleased that it wasn’t all physical and loved the fact that we were taught a lot about the law and when and how to protect ourselves with it. I have already managed to put some things and suggestion into place at my current work place due to it and hopefully we can all benefit. Brilliant course and I think all teachers and TA’s should do it.
> There was a good mix of practical and theory. The instructor was well informed and experienced which put everyone at ease. We were able to ask questions as they came to mind which created a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere.
> It was very useful to understand more about the legislation around when teachers can use techniques to keep children safe. This is the main reason some staff do not wish to use handling techniques for fear of reprimand afterwards. Practicing techniques was very useful and gave me the confidence to use them back in the classroom setting.
> It was insightful and practical.
> Really enjoyed the whole of the training although I thought that some of the sessions were not quite long enough. The sessions were delivered professionally and explained very well.
> Was good to have re-assurance that I am able by law to use reasonable force in certain circumstances but hopefully will never have to use this.
> Support and advice given to practices used in Early years settings brilliant. Safety highlighted to protect ourselves and our subjects in various scenarios online course material supported and knowledge recapped in class with visual notes and explained Course delivery was precise clear well paced, with support explaining handling techniques, which were observed throughout the practical lesson with colleague involvement and queries answered.
> I have had various personal safety training over the years and felt this was a good basis reminder that you are responsible for your own personal safety and never to become complacent.
> Great techniques used in certain situations to get away from a potential threat upon your person.Good talking and reasoning tactics demonstrated.
> The training I received was excellent, form a very knowledgeable and informative instructor. Health and Safety was taken very seriously and every care taken to avoid and injuries on behalf of trainer or trainees. It would have been beneficial to have had longer with the instructor to practise what we had learnt in more depth (although we all secure a workable knowledge of techniques during our time) and possibly have time to explore other techniques or scenarios that may occur. Having said this the training was first class and I would be happy to recommend your company to others that I work with.
> I enjoyed the course and found it to be thought provoking.
> As workers visiting clients at home I thought there could have been more practical advice on how to ensure your own safety. Foe example, follow the client into the house, try to close the door yourself so you are aware of how the door closes, locks etc. Try to sit closer to the door where possible, be aware of your route out.
> I had already done a personal safety course a few years ago and this was similar, which meant that a lot of what was discussed I already do in my job. I thought that it was good to go over these areas again as a reminder of what to do. It was probably better for the newer members of staff on what to do when they are faced with difficult situations. I think that it needs to be clear from the organisation to protect yourself in the first instance and seek help if needed.
> The course was useful and I feel more competent to manage aggressive situations as a result, I also feel more secure within my ‘rights’ to look after myself and other children.
> The training was excellent whilst working in our everyday setting. The only suggestions I could make would be to possibly deliver a course to parents of profound young adults who like myself deal with challenging behaviour and fragmentation in our daily lives and have to cope with this challenging and physical abuse daily. I appreciate that this is possibly a no go area with current legislation, but I do have to live with this behaviour daily from our profoundly autistic daughter, often on my own
> Very informative and the content was completely appropriate to the type of scenarios that could occur in our school. The chance to learn and practice safe techniques and tactics that can be used in a school environment was brilliant – really opened my eyes and enhanced my awareness of what to do and the kind of signals to look out for. Thoroughly enjoyed the course – thank you.
> The training has been put into practice and have found it to be a great help, thankyou
> I have definetly learnt simple yet effective techniques to handle certain difficult situations.although due to lack of time we had ti rush through some of the features of the training,i found the hands on techniques and tactics very useful.
> Felt very competent in utilising the skills we had been taught.
> We were every pleased with the course.
> It was a thoroughly enjoyable course and totally helpful and relevant to my everyday practice! Thank you!
> This course was delivered to a high standard. All questions were answered. Very useful information given and useful strategies were taught. Thank you.
> Excellent knowledge from the trainer. All questions answered and very useful stragies were taught. Thank you.
> The course was very useful and because of it, I feel more confident to deal with situations that may arise. The trainer made it clear that restraint should always be a last resort and should be appropriate to the situation. The strategies shown were clearly modelled and being able to practise them with colleagues was very helpful.
> I thoroughly enjoyed the course ( and wasn’t particularly enthused about doing the course before hand)… Didn’t realise how in depth and useful it was! Gerard was a first class trainer, was highly professional and delivered an excellent training program – would thoroughly recommend him!Thanks Gerad for making our morning so interesting!
> Very bespoke to our needs relating to our work in schools. We covered all the necessary information asked for meeting outcomes for the day well. The additional follow up resources available from the website are also very helpful. Would highly recommend Dynamis!
> Was good effective programme
> Thoroughly recoomend the training to other schools
> A very informative session, which made me feel more confident about dealing with any issues if the arose.
> The course was very well presented and clear.
> Fascinating day, loved the mix of theory and practical exercises. It was tailored towards our specific needs. My overriding thought is that this type of course should be compulsory for trainee teachers, just having some basic knowledge would really raise confidence. On the practical side I thought the holds were easy to learn and made complete sense and didn’t feel vulnerable, felt safe. Couldn’t recommend this course enough, excellent.
> New skills were introduced slowly and we practised each one a lot. I feel much more confident now that the training is complete.
>This course was requested primarily because we do, from time to time, have students with SEN who can display certain aggressive behaviours. It is timely for us to inform ourselves as to statutory requirements and suitable methods to keep ourselves, students and the students involved safe. The online training was beautifully clear. The practical session was really well done and helped us to ‘get over’ some of the apprehensions. I think it fair to say that we felt better informed and prepared.
On from this, as SENDCo, my concerns are around the unpredictability of some of the behaviours we may face. And flying furniture has been know to happen. Not at all often, I hasten to add, but still we need to be prepared. Probably these are issues that we are now better able to deal with but they are different to the fight in the playground. I was particularly impressed by the de escalation techniques. I have often thought that our voice is our most powerful tool.
Thank you for this training.
> Having participated in 3 different training providers for positive handling in my career of working with children with challenging behaviour, this was the best in terms of meeting our needs and installing confidence in dealing with the physical side of managing behaviour.
Many thanks.
> We appreciated the tailoring of the course to include de-escalation and talking around this as well as the physical intervention itself. It was well worth doing the online training element ahead of time as it was really valuable having as much time as we did to work practically. Gerard answered our questions fully and talked specifically about some of the children we have particular concerns about (eg very young children in nursery). Thank you
> Thanks Gerald for an enjoyable, informative and useful training course. I now feel that I have some tools that I can use that are effective, safe and legal. The day after the training I was in a situation which required some physical intervention. I mentally went through the check list (Necessary? Any other option? Last resort?) I was then able to use a technique that Gerald had shown us which quickly calmed the person down and resolved the situation. Great! Many thanks,
> I was feeling quite nervous beforehand but the trainer and the content made me feel reassured by the end.
> I was very happy with the delivery and content.
> Initially was not too happy about doing the online training course first, which had to be done in my own time. I did struggle to be in the right frame of mind to do it and this was definitely not helped by the fact that I had just had the summer holidays and was not due to go back to school until Monday 5th Sept. My thoughts at the time were that the course should have been longer (maybe do the afternoon before the practical side) to include all the things in the online training. However I can now see why it is done like this and the actual course was excellent on all levels and would certainly recommend it.
> The course was very informative and Gerard was very good in showing us strategies to deal with individual children we worked with. Thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very useful in helping me to support the child I work with in a helpful way.
> Trainer was very professional. Training was very useful and informative.
> Very well delivered training. Gerard was very knowledgeable and instilled confidence that we could deal with difficult situations.
> Really enjoyed the course and its content. Now feel confident to use it in a situation, if I needed to. The trainer was excellent, couldn’t fault him.
> I thought the theory and knowledge components were really useful in giving me the confidence to know when to act. I liked the fact it was extremely clear about what not to do with regarding handling positions.
> I have had positive handling training previously with different providers. I particularly liked the fact that the “theory” was on-line and I did this the day before the face-to-face training. It meant I had had time to reflect on my knowledge and the session did not feel like there was too much information in one go. very good trainer.
> I found the training informative and we covered a range of situations which will help me in the classroom.
> Useful thankful
> I thought the training was excellent. I feel more confident in my ability to correct aggressive behavior in school – safely and appropriately.
> I enjoyed the training and information we received, any questions myself or my colleagues had were answered. I would recommend the training.
> The training was very helpful, the train delivered the course with very firm clever instructions and repeated the positive holds as many times as were needed ,so I was very clever on what I had to do.
> Very clear and well delivered training on line, Very profesional and skilled trainer during 3 hours course at school.
> Course was run professionally and fun. It gave me more insight that previously imagined and more to think about. Good knowledge about rights within our industry and was legally allowed from ours and our employers.
> The training was concise, coherent and well delivered. The overall theme was one of a serious nature, but open enough to allow us to ask questions specifically related to our profession. Our instructor provided us with a vast amount of information which was enlightening and extremely useful. It has been one of the most informative and interesting CPD sessions I’ve attended in a very long time. I would like to see the training delivered as a series of sessions and hope that the school I work for choose to run the session again in the future to refresh our understanding and knowledge of the situations, techniques and the law regarding the handling of the situations discussed.
> The skills training was very insightful and practical. Even more so , the knowledge we gained that teachers are not powerless in difficult situations was empowering and I believe all staff working in schools should go through at least the theory aspect if not the full training. Thanks
> More useful than expected and helped with confidence.
> Training was very useful and gave staff the confidence to deal with pupils in a safe manner for themselves and staff.
> great practical training many thanks
> The training was useful in terms of teaching restraint techniques and also the legality surrounding this area.
> Good quality training don’t think any information was left out
> I enjoyed the training and feel I have more knowledge to support my role in school.
> I learnt a lot on this training course and would highly recommend it.
> Excellent day. Came away feeling confident to manage specific behaviour and a clear understanding of my legal rights.
> I would highly recommend this course. Loved the mixture of theory and practical exercises with simple techniques that could be remembered in an emergency.
> The whole course from start to finish was very informative. Gerard was a fantastic instructor with a great knowledge of all aspects of the positive handling. He made the day a really enjoyable experience and I certainly learnt a lot from the course.
> The following week I was in a situation where I used the training to control and contain a year 4 pupil. Thank you.
> Good strategies for conflict resolution. A good mix of practical and theoretical based learning. Very thought provoking and insightful. The physical intervention was very thorough and good to role play/practise the skills. I worry over time if I do not have to use the skills I may forget the holds, etc, but it was a good opportunity to learn how to manage the situation.
> Our trainer was easy to follow, friendly and informative. I didn’t know what to expect from the course but thoroughly enjoyed and was surprised at how much I leant and how I could apply in my own work setting if necessary.
> I thought the training was very reassuring in that such an intervention is a last resort. Defusing the situation is preferable to man handling a child unless there are no other options. The theory side of the course was very informative and a necessity.
> Good
> Gerard made us feel at ease with the subject and impressed on us the serious nature of the training. I asked a question about a particular problem and he had a couple of suggestions that I have put into practise and is working so many thanks.
> The course was well prepared and well explained. the trainer was knowledgeable and delivered the course accordingly.
> I enjoyed all aspects of the course, perhaps some videos could be a good addition?
> Very hands on which always helps when learning any hands on training, we learnt a lot in a short space of time.
> Originally when I heard the word restrain I was looking at the how I have seen the police pinning someone on the floor. But with the training I have learnt that using the techniques it will be less harmful for vulnerable adults.
> My staff enjoyed the Dynamis experience and found the techniques and ideas very helpful. They have attended Team Teach training and found that unhelpful when working with this particular service user. I shall be booking a second training session with Gerard as we found him to be very knowledgeable and keen to assist in the different scenarios put forward by staff on training day.
> I thought the course was really helpful, delivered in a way which was easy to understand. Learnt a lot from the course.
> This course was interesting and informative. The skills taught were straightforward and more easy to remember than I had experienced on previous courses of this nature. There was a good mixture of practical and theory.
> Interesting personal scenarios provided which were useful and relevant.
> Very well presented and delivered.
> I have already started using the [Universal Greeting] approach (introduce myself and say why I have come over etc) with the children in my class and it has proved a much less confrontational method of getting them to comply.
> It was informative and useful.
> Excellent course, very well delivered. All areas of our setting were covered and scenarios were tailored to suit the needs of all key stages.
> The training was delivered in a fun but professional manner the mixture of theory and practical made it an enjoyable day.
> The course was brilliant. The techniques were simple and affective.
> The feed back from my team was that they all enjoyed it
> I felt that I got a lot out of the course. I would be more comfortable now handling children if the situation ever arises.
> The training was very informative and interesting
> good knowledge gained through out the course. i picked up new techniques an will apply this to my current role
> Found the training useful especially the time to practice and the feedback given
> This is the 3rd Dynamics course I’ve been on and as some of the techniques had changed slightly it was very useful. The trainer were all knowledgeable and friendly.
> I thought the course was very informative and have already relied on the practices taught with positive results. Thank you
> I thoroughly enjoyed the course and have already been able to use interventions taught but would have liked a longer course which covered the moving of people and ho to use further people if needed. The timing and content of the course I attended was probably down to my superiors’ so I lay no blame at your door. Thank you once again for a very helpful and informative day.
> I feel the course covered all the things that I felt I would need in my role. All questions were answered to my satisfaction which along with questions from other people on the course provided a full remit of things that I hadn’t yet but may encounter in the future. I did my training only 5 years ago and it was good to have some of the health and safely and good practices reminded during the course.
> On occasion i have had to use dynamis training. It has always kept me and others safe .Thanks.
> I felt the course was excellent in its knowledge and content. I believe the instructor adeptly delivered the course and the time taken was appropriate to the amount of content. This course will serve my colleagues and I endlessly in an ever changing educational environment where behavioural challenges are now as prevalent as academic challenges. I would just like to say a genuine thank you to Ger for the time taken to research and deliver this course.
> We were only given a three hour course which was our schools decision it would of been good if we had the entire course lasting the whole day but what we had condensed into those three hours was well presented and concise . The physical aspect was thoroughly explained and we had plenty of goes at getting it correct
> Felt comfortable with the trainer, he made everyone feel part of the discussion and encouraged us to take part and respected their input.
> The most important thing from my perspective was that the course was covered completely in the twilight session we had arranged. It was exactly what I wanted when I booked it.
> Training was comprehensive.
> We had a tight time frame in which to complete the training and I feel I learned a lot and got to practice each hold a good few times, I do feel some of our time was taken up with repetive questions from our staff and it highlighted to me the importance of actually watching and listening to the video presentations prior to the physical part of the training. Actually doing the holds reassured me that if needed these methods of restraint were pain free and safe to use!
Really enjoyed the training and I liked that Ger was firm and straight forward!
> Conducted well with good interaction and good balance of theory and practical exercises. Was a good basic course giving basic skills to incidents we would see in our context. Perhaps a person on each team could do a more advanced course.
> I work in Early years and the training really supported me for that age and above. He showed age appropriate restraint. A few people had various injuries and he was well aware of and adapted training to help each person. Very professional thank you .
> I thought the course was very beneficial and wish that I would have received a similar training in the past for other jobs I have had.
> The best thing for me was that the course and notes were tailored to the Fostering task in a way that was meaningful to the role. The course will improve my professional output in two key ways
1/ How to physically position myself to stay safe in a variety of potential and actual encounters.
2/ How structure incident write-ups methodically and professionally
> Gerard was very professional and knows his stuff
> This course was invaluable as I now know what my duty of care towards myself, colleagues, students and the approaches to challenging behaviours in school, being able to assess the need for restraint in certain situations and using it appropriately and safely.
> Delivery of content was excellent and to the point. Extremely informative. Now have confidence in applying the taught procedures should the need arise.
> I enjoyed the training and feel more confident in my work having completed it. Thanks for making it fun and interesting!
> I thought the training was very useful, the teacher was friendly and knowledgeable. He did a great job of teaching a large group of adults, bringing in different scenarios to use strong methods to handle situations that might arise at our workplace. Very Good.
> I had a great day, learned a great deal about self, and how I approach different situations. I was able to reflect on my work practice and Gerard explained each and every process needed for me to learn. I have been able to put into practice what I learned and liked the aspect of “one voice” during discussion and I used this recently within my working environment with the people who use our services. This had the affect of controlling the discussion, when every one was talking over each other. Role play on the day was good too as there was a mixture of staff from the organisation who do not always face difficult situations in the workplace face to face, Keep up the good work, great learning experience
> The most valuable part of the training, for me, was when Gerard went through the law. He has given me the confidence to know what I can and cannot do safely, and more importantly, how to record incidents.
> The course was competently delivered by someone who clearly knew what they were talking about and had high professional standards. The delivery of the course had a good mix of theory and practice so that learners were able to maintain concentration throughout. It was gratifying to see that there were high expectations on all learners during the day.
> Thank you for the professional advice on this difficult subject.
> Good course, found the practice most beneficial. Good mix of learning styles.
> Very good course.
> Very beneficial. Has provided peace of mind to to me.
> Really useful and practical training
> Thanks for a great course Ger 🙂
> The course showed us various methods of restraint which were easy to understand and implement.
> The course was delivered very well. Keep it up!
> Very good training day. Feedback from staff was extremely positive.
> It was really helpful to have the practical session where we could practice what we had been taught. Gerard was fantastic in making sure we used the correct and safe techniques and explaining the theory behind his training. The training was confidently delivered, engaging and pitched perfectly to our needs. Thank you. Would DEFINITELY recommend.
> I very much enjoyed the course, I believe I now have the confidence to deal with a situation should it arise.
> The course was very beneficial. It and has given me confidence in being able to deal with such conflict should it ever be necessary. It would be good to have the opportunity to do a refresher course in a couple of years!
> The instructor was very clear and everything was appropriate to our school.
> Trainer answered all important question had really good knowledge about the law showed I importeted technique I learnt a lot interesting course
> The training I received was delivered of a very high standard. I feel confident that if I ever need to use any of the techniques I can do so in the right way. Thank you.
> Whilst I think that the techniques are useful to know and importantly the legal requirements I think that the instructor spent too long at the start of the day explaining why it is was important to follow instructions, be safe and why we needed the course. I appreciate that he/the company need to ensure that people are aware of not hurting themselves for their own risks but I think that was overdone and could probably be trimmed down next time.
> The instructor was very good at adapting his training to meet the realistic scenarios in school. He clearly outlined legislation and was very reassuring. After this training I feel confident to restrain a child if need be. Thank you for a brilliant training course.
> This course is very well explained,explained in many ways. Thank you!p
> I liked how interactive it was and having the chance to work with your colleges.
> Course well delivered.
> Both course content and the trainer were excellent. Gerard does not allowing to feel bored or not motivated throughout. The real work life situations are being discussed and all staff participating can share their ideas. I did marked that the course was slightly too short as all my staff participating felt that the subject was very interesting and provided in excellent way therefore they ( and myself) felt that we could do easily go through another two days. Thank you Gerard
> I found the training very good, informative and delivered at the right pace for the group.
> Course was well designed and involved a good mix of practical activities and theory. It was also helpful to be made aware of the legal requirements.
> Course content/context delivered well.
> It felt as though the trainer had thought about our specific needs with regard to his delivery. As well as delivering the necessary information I found it enjoyable rather than the usual dry deliveries you fall asleep in on some courses.
> I was impressed with the clarity of legal expectations delivered. Gerard if very professional, has an in depth knowledge of his subject and training techniques and applied his training specifically to the needs of our school.
> The course fulfilled what I expected to learn about restraining a child/adult.
> Gerad was professional in all aspects of his training with an excellent sense of humour. He explained and demonstrated the handling techniques safely ensuring that all were able to practise the handling correctly.
> The course was interesting and enjoyable, done in a precise and confident manner making it easy to follow.
> stories are really inspiring to understand the value of the trainings
> I thought the training was really well presented . The trainer was very knowledgeable and taught us techniques which i can use , if needed to in my role at work. i would have no hesitation in recommending your trainers to anybody. .
> It was a good refresher.
> A very professional training with lots of activities and real life scenarios
> I though the course was very helpful and worthwhile. Its just a shame that we need training like this in a primary school.
> For me this course was very welcome and it was for first time when I was doing something like this,it was very helpful training.I have learned techniques and tactics which will help me for my safety when I will be at work or outside.The course was very welcome and in the right time and the trainer also was very understandable.Thank you.
>I have not undergone any restraint or conflict management training before and as I progressed through the training, it became really apparent to me of the need to have safe, effective ways of avoiding/managing potential conflict situations in school. The course provided this in a practical way, making me think and assess how I would manage these situations. I found the day very useful.
> The course was expertly and professionally delivered. Some staff felt that the rapport with the audience was somewhat cool and distant, but this is personal preference.
> I was very impressed by the knowledge and experience of the trainer.
he went at a pace that was comfortable to match everyones needs.
> Thank you for training our team. The training was enjoyable and informative and I feel equipped to deal with situations which might arise.
> The course was helpful and the trainer was professional. Thank you
> It was a really enjoyable course that was delivered excellently. Being able to practise on colleagues and being randomly selected by the trainer gave first hand experience of the safe techniques needed to positively handle challenging behaviour.
> All in all it was good to learn this for my job role
> The course was very practical which was very helpful. I enjoyed that it was not overloaded with theory. Gerard facilitated very well and we were able to spend a lot of time in partners or small groups practising what we had been taught. Gerard gave plenty of time for questions to be answered and offered a lot of support. Ensured we were always carrying out best practice and health and safety was always considered.
> It was a great training course, would defiantly recommend
> The course was helpful and delivered in a confident manner by Mr O’ Dea. He answered questions clearly and showed a good expertise and knowledge in his field. I learned a lot and I’m sure it will help me in the future. Thank you.
> The course was useful and opened my eyes on how to deal with children in certain situations that we aren’t accustomed to.
> Keep aware of the ever changing reality of schools and children in them.
> good stuff!!
>Very enjoyable and interesting course.
> I thought the training was brilliant, just a shame that it couldn’t be longer – but that isn’t a fault of Dynamis. I found it very comprehensive and informative and feel empowered to to handle any subsequent situations.
> The training exceeded all of our expectations. Staff are now far more comfortable using restraint but more importantly are trained to manage situations so that restraint is always a last resort.
> Training was very good, useful and informative. Just needed more time but as I understand it was made short by the request of my work place.
> I would have liked a little more input on conflict communication but I appreciate this was not what was requested by me school .
> Would have liked more time to discuss application of knowledge from course to dealing with young and/or SEN children, who may not be able to respond to verbal persuasion
> Since receiving the training. I have had to put into action some of the techniques we learnt on the course, it worked affectively and I did not get hurt, which made a nice change. Also would like to thank the instructor on a personal basis, because I had a prolapsed disc in July and had to have key hole surgery. When he saw this on my health disclosure he spoke to me on my own. He then spoke up later in the day in front of the management about my injury. A fantastic course. Thank you.
> I found this training very informative and interesting. I especially enjoyed being able to put the physical restraints into practise as this suited my style of learning.
> The training was delivered very well and was easy to access. It was very helpful to have a knowledge of where we stand legally and to know that any adult can use restraint if necessary. We have now put a different policy in place for all staff. I have had this training before via another company but I found this much simpler to put into practice and there is a basic hold that can be easily adapted, rather than learning lots of holds that I could not recall. I would recommend your training to others.
> Great content and delivery, relevant realistic training for the type of challenging behaviour that we encounter, thanks.
> Have on several occasions since the training had to use the techniques learned and feel much more prepared and capable now, Thank you
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2015 Feedback Scores
[et_pb_counters background_layout=”light” background_color=”#dddddd” bar_bg_color=”#7EBEC5″ use_percentages=”on” title_font_size=”12″ percent_font_size=”12″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding_tablet=”|||” custom_padding_phone=”|||” custom_padding_last_edited=”off|desktop” border_radii=”on||||”][et_pb_counter percent=”100″] The training course from Dynamis fulfilled or exceeded expectations [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”96.92″] Our Dynamis instructor had a very good or excellent level of knowledge and competence [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”98.08″] The Dynamis training delivery style enabled effective learning [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”100″] The theory and knowledge components helped me professionally [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”97.7″] The techniques and tactics were appropriate to real scenarios in our work [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”98.47″] All questions were answered comprehensively by our Dynamis trainer [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”98.85″] Exercises on the course were conducted safely by our Dynamis trainer [/et_pb_counter][et_pb_counter percent=”99.62″] Our Dynamis trainer observed good Health and Safety practices [/et_pb_counter][/et_pb_counters]
[et_pb_toggle title=”2015 Feedback Comments (7,500 words)” open=”off” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”]
It was a great course that helped me gain the knowledge and skill level to deal with student whilst keeping myself and other bystanders safe.
Gerard was excellent and I really found it interesting. I would recommend all staff at schools to attend this training. Thank you!
Exceptional course very enlightening
We had a great training session with Gerard. The room was cramped and space was lacking but he adjusted his methods and ensured we still practiced various holds while being safe.
He adjusted well to the group and to the limits of the room… PowerPoint availability, small space and chatty teachers.
I found the whole day informative and very useful. It was obvious that Gerard knew his stuff and delivered the training in a very safe way-quick to remind people if it looked like they were not following the instructions clearly.
The legal information was great and I loved the 5 step persuasive techniques! Lots to put into place in School. Thank you
Very useful course, I have used part of it today when approaching a child who had exited themselves from the classroom I used the greeting and affirmation of who I was. This was not what I would have done previously.
Very useful to hear about the legal side of restraining children.
Good to practise holds and experience what they are like.
The course was great and made me feel I could apply the taught techniques if needed. Gerard ensured we were all safe when we had to perform a hold and completing the techniques safely and correctly. I also enjoyed techniques we focused on about body language and the process to go through (5 steps) before having to perform a hold.
I hate all aspects of Role Play and hardly slept the night before, worrying about it. Gerard put me at ease and all training was tastefully done. Gerard performed in a friendly professional manner. I found the course informative and hopefully will be able to put some of the restraints into practice.
I would certainly recommend it, and think all staff should have the opportunity to do it.
I have also ordered the book on Bathing without Battle, which hopefully will take the stress out of these tasks and make it more enjoyable for our residents. My thanks to Gerard for making it an enjoyable and most informative day
It was very well delivered and appropriate to my job
Excellent Course, well presented and really enjoyable. Thankyou
Confidence in using reasonable force.
Techniques and language to employ so that you use restraint as a last resort.
Very good course and trainer. Put us all at ease.
I enjoyed the course and learnt effective techniques to help restrain students in delicate situations with another member of staff.
The course was very useful as I now feel able to confidently manage situations where I may have to restrain a pupil, whereas before I felt reluctant to do so as I was concerned that I may injure myself or the pupil. In addition, the theory was very interesting as it helped me to think about when to restrain and when to contain. Gerard, our instructor was very knowledgeable and delivered the training very well, despite the fact that our projector wasn’t working.
Really good training demonstrated by Gered O’Dea. The course make you more aware of any risks and also makes you look at how you would respond.
The context part at the beginning of the session was very valuable to set the scene and also ensured the message was loud and clear.
You have made me consider the health and safety of staff, and the level of priority I place on this in comparison with the children. Some examples of risk assessments for handling children may be useful, particularly for schools that don’t already have these in place. Very valuable training, would be useful for the whole staff team. Thank you
I was very impressed with the whole training. We learnt enough about the law and how it protects students, us and our employers duties.
The scenarios were eye opening and the fact Gerard used true events was at times quite shocking.
He answered all our questions with usable solutions and was honest that sometimes there is no easy answer.
Though the course was aimed at primary aged children and their carers, I learnt so much about diffusing situations, and would be willing to try if the occasion should arise. 100% impressed!
Gerard clearly had good knowledge of the subject and was able to demonstrate and explain things effectively. It was particularly helpful that he asked specifics about our school and the children we work with and could then tailor the training slightly towards our needs. Thank you very much!
Looking at the use of force from the Health and Safety at Work perspective was very helpful and clarified the position for schools which is very opaque. it has changed my views quite significantly which is highly developmental.
Thank you an excellent course
I found all aspects of the course interesting and useful. I would have liked to have more time going over using the techniques in different situations, however I appreciate that this is not really possible in the time. I would love to further develop my knowledge and skills by completing further training, maybe on a two day course. I found the mix of theory and practical worked well and it was presented in a way that was engaging and maintained my attention!
Thank you
The course was perfect for what I needed….. Gave practical ideas that could be used to support the practice in place. All questions were answered and tailored to the needs in our school. Thank you!
Appropriate real-life scenarios used to underpin theory.
Reference to guidance on Early Intervention particularly useful for those of us dealing with particularly vulnerable children with known behaviour traits.
Identifying areas that need to be addressed e.g.Individual pupil risk assessments to be carried out by mainstream schools. A generic risk assessment which will set out behaviour strategies and the possible use of positive handling.
Effective use of demonstration highlighting appropriate restraint and also possible consequences of inappropriate body use or holds e.g danger to self by being too close or strain put on muscles by tensing shoulders etc.
Thanks theses were all particularly useful.
Really enjoyed the training, it is good to know all staff have gained a knowledge of theory and techniques that we will find useful in our role as childcare workers, thank you,
I found the course very helpful as i had encountered a few knocks and been hit several times before going on course and now feel better prepared.
All good, nothing to add!
The log we were encouraged to complete through the morning session, was a great idea as this can be used for reflection & a reminder in the future. Hearing about real scenarios from the news puts what we have to deal with as teachers into perspective. If we were able to have slightly longer (the training finished earlier than planned due to an overlap of school meetings), we each could have had a chance to discuss specific scenarios we’ve had to deal with in school and had more time to practise the physical techniques.
One of the most informative and engaging training sessions I’ve attended in my career, thank you.
Enjoyed completely, easy to follow and understand
I think this training was very helpful but my personal opinion is it should have been at least over 2-3 days as in 1 day, we managed to learn the basic skills which are very helpful in our type of work but I would welcome more of techniques and different scenarios.
Thank you very much
I enjoyed the training today. I felt it will be very useful and will be using the tactics and skills learned today to assist myself and my colleagues to reduce the amount of injuries that have been happening recently during interventions with our residents.
Enjoyable course . Intensive . Would have liked a little longer to practice techniques.
The course today was fantastic. I would love to attend a few days full training as I think it would be great to learn it all. Everything that was shown to us today was taught with using theory and practical which I found helped me learn so much. And also the way it was presented was fantastic. Everything that I learned today will be so helpful in the work.
Thank you so much
I would have liked a little more time to practise the holds after the demonstration was given. In the groups of three sometimes only two got to practise during the allowed time.
I enjoyed the course and it’s content, with my past experience it was set at an appropriate level for me. It maybe worth considering the establishment you are going into and discuss with your point of contact before the training starts what levels of behaviour they have, giving you opportunity of background knowledge, levels of disruptions, types and severity of instances.
Enjoyed the delivery and the constant link to actual examples and case studies. The set up regarding the theory followed by the practical highlights the vital element of prevention and de-escalation which for me is key.
Excellent course delivered very well – clear instructions given during the practical session making the techniques easier to execute.
I found the whole course very professional and informative. We learnt relevant tactics which may occur in our every day profession. The trainer was very concerned re my medical condition and checked throughout the day how I was feeling. I personally have done a training course on Positive Handling before but this was much more professional/ comprehensive and detailed
A useful course delivered by a professional instructor who took no nonsense from unruly students and maintained the focus of the course. All in all, an excellent day.
An extremely informative, and well delivered course. Both theory and practical components covered and enough time specifically given and taken to answer questions. I felt confident and well supported to approach the practical hands on aspect of the course and again we were given plenty of time to role play and practice different handling techniques.
I would highly recommend that all members of staff be given access to this training and have already said as such to my Headmaster.
I would be very interested in further development of what I have learned today, if new techniques became available.
Training was comprehensive with high regard to health and safety. Gerard was very professional .
I thought the hand outs were very useful and kept us focussed by having gaps for us to fill in.
All in all, there was a very good balance of theory and practice to the day and I did feel as though I had learned a lot. Thank you.
The 3 day course I attended was exellent all aspects of the physical stuff were carried out in a very safe manner and all classroom items were explained in a clear and concise way thank you for the confidence i have gained with my attendance on this course
I thought the course was run very well. I was apprehensive about what would be involved, and how physical it would be. I thought the instructor was very good and explained things clearly. There was great confidence given to the person getting trained, as to what you they can do, and how simply it can be done. The duration I felt was right, but possibly an extra half day might have been good.
I was pleasantly surprised that the course covered more than just the physical defence methods.
The physical drills were excellent, but what made the course very relevant to my day-to-day work was in the communication templates. I really feel better equipped to be assertive during difficult conversations, which I sometimes find difficult. I think the persuasion sequence will help me get alongside the men I work with, to enable me to show empathy whilst being able to deflect and get their coordination.
A particularly good thing was that you took time at the beginning of the course to try to understand our workplace. This was helpful as you continued to encourage us to directly apply the drills and verbal exercises to the unique set-up of our workplace.
A good balance between theory/knowledge of acts of parliament and practical activities. Thank you.
I entered the course feeling anxious and left feeling confident and capable.
It may be useful to consider that some staff teams rarely get together as a group. This can mean that, in house, problems may surface and perhaps factor in some time for teams to bond. I personally found it a wonderful bonding experience and I am delighted to have had the privilege of such expert training.
I would recommend the company to other organisations.
I thought the content of the course was appropriate for my needs and has prepared me for any issues I may face in my line of work for the future.
I was particularly pleased with the amount of time we were given to practice the holds that we had been taught. The course was a good mixture between instructor teaching and practical participation. I was also impressed by the professionalism of the instructor at all times which ensured everyone’s safety and well being.
The course was very suitable for school and questions were answered very effectively.
A well organised, professionally run course that was adapted to our needs. A very knowledgeable instructor. A very productive day.
I was very impressed with the subject knowledge of the trainer . The delivery was excellent with the right mix of theoretical and practical activity. The timings and structure of the day were perfect and the course was brilliantly led and managed by Gerard. I personally gained a good insight into the theory and legislation behind positive physical handling and why it is I so important in our professional lives to be aware of this documentation. The practical aspect of the training was again fantastic with the ideas and techniques being simple, constantly reinforced and realistic, given when and how these situation as may occur, there were not too many complicated techniques to remember or to try to put into practice.
A very thorough course which delivered in an expert manner.
Thank you for the time you spent with me and my colleagues ensuring that we were doing the right thing.
I was very impressed with the course, it was engaging, and delivered in an effective manner that has enabled me to have confidence in my actions if any problems occur at school in the future.
Well presented course and left in no doubt as to what isand what is not acceptable when restraining a child. Thank you.
Although for question 11 I said the session was a little short that was not the fault of Dynamis as we only booked a half day session. The session was fast paced and informative. I feel much more confident now in understanding the law/rights/expectations that are involved in this area.
The half day course was intense and a bit more time would have been good to practice the movements as I worry I will forget without practice!
An enjoyable and very informative day. Thank you.
Very informative, practical and useful. Thank you.
The course exceeded my expectations because Gerard also included some Conflict Management tips, which I found very useful.
A big thank you to Gerard. It was a very interesting and thought provoking course.
I thought the course was great and wish we could have been on a 2 day training course. I think all teachers should take this training to ensure their own safety and the safety of the children in their class. It was very informative and easy to follow. I will recommend that the rest of the teachers in my school should take this training. Thank you.
It was really worth while attending the course and i now feel comfortable using some techniques if I ever needed too! Thank you so much !
The knowledge component I found very useful, enabling me to make informed judgements in the future.
We stuggled to find a secure and safe restrain for someone in bed and personal care needed, although we tried all possibilities
Training gave me a wider knowledge and understanding on personnel safety, I am also going to do my nc access to nursing course in September which the training wil come handy for in my future. Thanks very much I really enjoyed the training.
It’s a shame the course was only morning as I think we could have experienced a lot more from yourself.
The course was explained well and will help in my position at work.
I felt I learned more than expected was very impressed
I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had previously attended the Team Teach course a number of years ago and found it really intense and did not feel confident in using it. I feel very confident now that as a last resort I can protect myself and the children I am responsible for. I found the legal information very interesting and appropriate.
A very engaging and extremely useful course offering staff reassurance and confidence in supporting children and young people within our service.
Gerard was able to tailor our session in order to meet our needs in terms of knowledge and understanding alongside a good foundation of practical skills.
This was definitely the right type of training for our us. Thank you very much!
Great morning, really practical techniques which will be so useful. Gerard was massively knowledgeable and appreciated him tailoring it to what we as an organisation required. Thank you!
A very useful insight into both the laws and methods for safe handling
The course gave me a lot of confidence I need to support my work with children and adults with special needs.
The practical work that we done was in a safe environment, also the instructor was helpful by walking round and giving advice that supported the way we held and restrained. Also by giving us tips on how to practise in a more safe way for example when tying up shoelaces/ talking to the child.
Found this course was delivered very professional. I myself was glad I attended, I learned useful information and key moves which myself and colleagues can use together, safely. Thank You.
I think it very good for my work. Understand a lot .but the time is not long enough .
Thank you for this course. I think it was the best and the most useful course. I learned a lot , and to be truthful I was not happy that I had to finish earlier. I think in my profession we should have 2-3 day course. I very appreciate that normal healthy attitude – that our safety is also important. Great contact with course participants. Thank you again.
Excellent training course, with a good combination of theory and practical excercises. Very good expertise by course trainer!
In this course i’ve learned and understand about the tactics and techniques of this course and apply at work,hopefully we will looking forward for the next updating and challenging for this course we really enjoyed it and helpful to us….
Very professional
Excellent course plan
I would highly recommend Dynamis
To be honest, I booked the course to tick something off my ‘to do’ list however having attended I am so pleased myself and a colleague did. Both interesting and useful and I now feel better informed about our position and what to do in situations calling for positive handling. I have already booked 4 places on the Autumn term course to extend our knowledge and confidence base at school.
I also very much liked the way Gerard set out his expectations and made the group focus and practise rather than just talk – it meant I didn’t become frustrated by others blocking learning.
Liked the fact that you put things into context legally and professionally – it took the fear and emotion out of the equation.
The breakdown of steps to consider prior to using any tactics was particularly useful – I would have liked a specific hand-out on that.
I liked the split in of the day – theory then full focus on the practical.
Thank you.
Just the safest way of conducting children if any fights and so not to harm themselves or you.
This was a great course, and already I have changed my practices and feel more confident managing children in my classroom.
I thought the training was informative and well delivered.
Excellent course delivered well.
It was a fantastic course. All of the staff spoke very highly of the instructor and his knowledge. We even had to use some of the training the very next day at school!! Would highly recommend.
A fantastic day with that gave me a clear idea of how to approach scenarios in school.
Gerard was a brilliant trainer,thank you
An excellent trainer – a big thank you to Gerard who was brilliant.
The training was very interesting and will help our staff when dealing with difficult situations.
He led teachers with aplomb, which is no easy training to lead!
Everyone was fully engaged and he was really helpful, Thank you.
I had a minor incident two days after attending the course, when I was accused by a violent child of kicking him after he assaulted three children. I felt much better prepared after your training and my SMT were extremely supportive – cheers for that day!!!
It was a very informative day full of skills tailored to our school needs. Very interesting and extremely helpful.
It was well delivery, enjoyable and enjoyable. I have used the moves several times in the last week and was surprised at how easily they came back to be in a difficult situation.
I really enjoyed the course and would have liked to have had time to speak to Gerrard about his own experiences, we were rushing a bit towards the end,hence it could have been longer but it was very interesting
The course was very well organised and content delivery was excellent. However, I feel that some of the restraint techniques learnt from positive handling training was aimed at a lot older age group, than that of the age group I support of 5-7, but overall it was excellent.
The training was great. I was impressed with Gerard’s knowledge. He answered all the questions in a way that the participants can understand. Totally enjoyed it.
Thanks for the training.
Was very useful especially with the type of kids we work with.
Super day. We will be filtering out the training in school
I found the course to be very comprehensive and very much enjoyed the practical elements as well as the conceptual frameworks/structures around behaviour.
Clear, answered all questions asked. Very approachable and friendly
very informative and demonstrator instructor, I have no recommendation to help improve course …………or maybe lunch provided :@)
Excellent instructor with excellent techniques and knowledge. I really enjoyed the session.
Getting to spend time learning the techniques was very helpfull and gives the confidence to use them more effectively.
The whole experience was great, the trainer made us feel at ease and it was easy to participate.
The training was excellent but I would like the course to be for longer in terms of days as I think is more to learn
I thought that training was well thought out and conducted, especially as it allowed participants themselves to experience the holds and restraints. Overall it was a good experience but obviously something that would require lots of practice.
Really useful session, excellent teaching keeping us all engaged
Excellent course and we are looking to provide further training for staff in this area
This was a well devised session and the only reason I put slightly too short. The session highlighted possible and reasonable scenarios and helped the staff to work as a team . As the team are all quite new to the care industry and possible situations I feel Gerard covered a good mix of what is needed . Will be calling on the services of Dynamis in the very near future .
Gerard was keen to get to know the context of our school and adapted the training to what was necessary for us. It was a really useful day for all of us who attended, despite our differing roles in school
The trainer was very pleasant and professional. He made sure we understood what the training was all about. He also answered all our questions. All the techniques were safe in the area that we used. All in all it was good experience and also useful for us to use in case of emergency. Thank you and your team for allowing you to come and train us not only with the techniques , but also with the legal aspects.
very well delivered,informative and enjoyabe course.
I wasn’t sure what would be covered in the course, but found it very useful. Hopefully, I won’t need to use this as we have very few incidents of this nature, but it will help me to approach them more confidently.
Enjoyed the training and found it very useful. Course leader was very informative and ensured everyone understood what was delivered. All was delivered in a safe and enjoyable session.
Very informative and enjoyable.
very well delivered, appropriate to our working environment. useful advice and guidance given throughout.
Having been part of a Team Teach course previous, I can say that this course was more applicable to my needs.
The training helped me massively; I did realise however that I might be dispraxic as I kept grabbing my colleagues wrong body parts.
Gerard himself was an excellent trainer and maintained my attention throughout, ranging his delivery styles to meet the needs of the group. I only wish the school had booked a whole day!
Gerard delivered a comprehensive and informative course which covered all the areas we asked for and was tailored to an infant school context. The guidance and advice given was reasonable, sensible and therefore, practical.
Gerard was very knowledgeable and shared lots of facts and examples about the subject. He was very aware of safety within the group and was good at bring attendees back on task. It would have been nice to have been able to ask more questions during the course but I know that time constraints didn’t allow for this and it wasn’t Gerard fault.
I would highly recommend this course and Dynamis.
Excellent delivery and well demonstrated. Very quick to correct wrong technique before people had embedded the knowledge. Very good presence from the instructor.
The team worked well together and delivered relevant and informative training to us all.
I liked the real life examples that you gave – it always helps when you can invisage a situation, and also – how not to do it! A very interesting day
Theory and knowledge was very well explained with real examples. It helped me to feel more confident about knowing when to use positive handling. Lots of chances to practise and feedback was given as we went through which was very helpful. A useful and well delivered course. Thank you.
It was extremely useful to learn safe techniques when dealing with challenging behaviour as it is always a concern that this is not being done in an appropriate way.
I liked the fact that we attended as a team to ensure we are working consistently.
The training will be really useful in my role and i feel more confident with the children i work with.
Very practical focus to the day. Learnt a lot of things about personal safety that I did not know despite having had training on this issue several times in the past. Gerard made sure the practical aspects were well embedded.
Great course delivered by knowledgeable and upbeat trainer.
The training I received was fundamental to the skills we needed to acquire to keep staff and pupils safe within school. The training was clear and precise and easy to remember. Training in the past has been too complex and I forgot all the “holds ” within days. Thanks for offering training that will be easily implemented
Our trainer was very knowledgeable professional and personable which led to an enjoyable yet productive learning session.
It was good to be able to try the exercises, and have some feedback on how we were doing. I found it interesting as an NQT and very insightful, and I feel more confident in my ability to handle that kind of situation.
It was a very relaxed atmosphere, lots of personal life experiences.
Very good at keeping on track!
Delivered the session with just the right amount of humour! Which is needed as the working environment can often be hard going! Apologies for the echo in the hall which made it a little difficult to catch bits at times.
An excellent training session that was well delivered. The balance of theory and practical application was well matched to our school needs. Thank you.
This was a very intense and packed day but the delivery was very effective and managed all of the components well. The theory session in the morning followed by the practical session in the afternoon were well planned and links were made throughout to ensure we understood the underpinning theoretical and legal issues of the handling techniques we were learning. The trainer (Gerard) demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skill throughout and was able to answer questions effectively. His training style meant that we were able to get through a lot of information and practical activities efficiently and effectively as well as having fun.
It was a really great day and we have been reflecting on it since with regard to policy and practise. Thank you
A very useful and informative training day. Thank you very much. I will recommend your training to other Headteachers.
The course definitely addressed the issues that we are having in the school currently and the trainers displayed various strategies to defuse situations.
The training was thorough and the trainers were approachable and understanding.
This was an informative course and practical activities were especially good. Just a little more time to practise use of voice and what to say would have been useful.
I feel more confident now to use these strategies as everyone has been trained to use the same methods. Thank you for relating it to young children as they are unpredictable
Being new to this topic, I found the course provided good background information and sound reasoning for conducting techniques in the particular way. Thank you.
Good course – very informative and useful for future reference in the classroom. Friendly and approachable trainer.
Course was helpful and informative.
The theoretical aspect of the course was very relevant for classroom practise. The trainer ensured that the restraint exercises demonstrated were of an appropriate level for the age children that we teach. Thank you for the training, it was very useful.
It was very informative and interesting
I have had other positive handling training courses and this one was good to relate to situations my profession may be involved in. All round good training session.
I feel this course benefited me greatly as it has given me a safe positive guide to help support our children within the school environment. Thank you.
I was really impressed by both the theoretical and practical elements of the training. The instructors were engaging and well informed. I would like to have practiced the restraint techniques at a lower level as the children we work with would be at a different level to our collegues.
Instructor was clear, thorough and fun. The theory and techniques were explained well and with relevance to the age of the children that we would be working with.
An excellent trainer who is obviously used to working with teachers. Knowledgable and experienced with the right level of gravitas and good humour required to engage the participants fully. Could adapt his presentation as an on-stage stand-up show………with volunteers from the audience! The school will be making plans to use him again at future in-house training courses.
I enjoyed the course and had to use the persuasion technique on my own son as soon as I got home.
Very clear presentation and a lovely manner in which the course was conducted.
It might be helpful to have a short reminder sheet / diagrams of the main restraint techniques / positions covered as a brief “aide de memoire” especially given the few occasions in any that we would have to restrain a pupil in school.
I was very impressed with the delivery of the course. Keeping that number of teachers in order at the end of the day is no mean feat!
Thank you
I thought the training was very worthwhile and professionally managed. So much so that I would like to find out about any other courses you run or qualifications you deliver..
A very useful course, pitched at exactly the right level for our school. The trainer was knowledgeable and well prepared and gave the staff confidence. A very positive experience with many staff commenting afterwards on how well the session was run, how useful it was and how much they had enjoyed it.
I thought the course was very well prepared and helpful. I would have liked a bit more time with the practical aspect just to secure my understanding.
Excellent course, very interesting and useful / applicable to the context of our school.
Gerard has a great delivery style. Not many men could silence a room full of women with a look!
Having never taken part in any training similar to this I found it exceeded my expectations. There was the right mix of theory and practical and any questions were answered throughout. Thank you !
I have gained more knowledge about the different legislations and policies regarding health and safety as well as how important it is to keep myself ,my colleagues and the pupils safe. Delivery was quite informative and interesting. I have learnt new techniques and strategies when doing positive handling. I felt enriched and empowered when I left the training.
I enjoyed the energetic and knowledgeable delivery. I would have liked a day’s training to look at protecting yourself and others but that was not the remit of this course and I left feeling I had really learned something, so thank you!
There was a good balance between theoretical and practical work. Gerard took time to answer questions and make sure the information was relevant to our needs.
Excellent training, very well presented and extremely enjoyable. Very concise yet covered everything you needed to know as well as throwing in interesting points/stories from the news that made it relevant and not too information heavy. Kept my attention throughout despite being at the end of the school day and didn’t feel as if anything I learnt or was told was a waste of time what so ever. Would definitely recommend to anyone!
It was practical which allowed us to see what techniques we can use and how to use them and we were given the time to practice them.
The course was run very smoothly I would not change anything,
I thought both the trainers were very competent and knew their subject well. It was delivered in a clear, precise and logical way interspersed with good humour. It was good to have theory as well as practical scenarios
Having attended the training it has given me the knowledge and the tools to handle situations with confidence. I have already put the training to good use.
the course exceeded my expectations. I left feeling more confident in my ability to assess and react to certain situations. Thank you.
The theoretical side of the course was very interesting and helped in defining where and when restraint might be required and good viable options that could be used before restraint should be used. It also worked well by making you think about different scenarios and how you might deal with them safely making sure that you remained safe and the child you were dealing with also stayed safe.
The physical side of the course showed how, if necessary, a child could be restrained in the safest way.
The course was very informative and would be great for anyone who may have to use restrain someone in their work environment.
The trainer remained focused throughout the course and kept the course running at a good pace.
Thorough enjoyed the training and felt i learnt lots. Working in early years Gerard gave some helpful hints and tips relevant to my workplace which i bag already been mindful of and applied in my professional practice. Thank you.
Great information and ideal in our setting. instructor extremely knowledgeable and kept the session to a good pace
many thanks
The course was very well conducted the techniques and tactics were covered well and very helpful for our setting.
Questions were answered for different scenarios and supported to show how to cope in situations with the handelling
Many thanks for your support
The course was presented clearly and enabled me to understand the techniques necessary to handle the scenarios in a work environment.
In my opinion the whole training was interesting
I’ve work before in security company so it has been always interesting subject for me
Taking in consideration kind of work and role I’m doing at the moment I hope I would not find myself in situation where I would have to use methods from the training
In conclusion the training was very good and professional
Kind regards
The course helped me to really think about my working practice, how best to communicate not just with the residents I support but with my fellow colleagues as well. I received very useful advice about how to best approach any given situation I might find myself in, thinking carefully about my body language, tone of voice and attitude. Offering support while keeping myself safe at all times. I learned very useful techniques on safety, I learned about consistency within the team and was reminded of the importance of not just listening but hearing. I will take what I have learned and put this in to practice.
I have some experience with de-escalation during my time in university. The information was not necessarily new but the course provided quality, concise, useful information. I liked the use of theory along side role playing activities. The instructor did a wonderful job.
The training was useful for appropriate situations.
An enjoyable and thought provoking course, which highlighted an area none of us really wants to think about, but which has the potential to occur any time we are on shift. Regular training in such scenarios can only help. overall very good,perhaps could have been extended for a further day.
I thought the the course was perfect for me and my job
The course was quite informative. Very practical techniques that I am comfortable using when needed as a last resort.
I enjoyed the day and have already put my training to use.
Excellent course – delivered with confidence which made us all feel comfortable in the training. I appreciate the school limited the time but I would have really enjoyed more time with varying scenarios. Great course – really enjoyed!
A very good day- learning the legislations etc was extremely helpful and practicing the scenario teechniques with other members of the group. As we work in a Primary school, practicing with adults wasn’t very true to a scenario we could experience in school as the height of the children is a lot different to the adults.
Thought the training was delivered in a professional manner and I learnt some very useful things (even aside from the restraint techniques that the course was about).
Training gave me confidence in when to use a technique and also the confidence of how to hold and work with another colleague if a situation arose. All in all great experience
I found the holds much easier than the previous training and have been able to use them safely.
A very well delivered course. The trainer engaged with the group and kept them under control when the environment became noisy. The content of the course was tailored to our working practice and relevant to the people we support. The trainer found out about what we would like to gain from the course and then ensured that what was delivered was relevant. I enjoyed the theory part of the course as it explained everything that was then covered in the practical session. This ensured we understood when it was appropriate to respond. I have had extremely positive feedback from my staff team.
Great course delivered in a friendly manner. Got some great tips, and loved that real cases were offered as a point of reference to questions asked or info being given. Hoping that eventually all staff are trained, as I feel it would be greatly beneficial.
The practical content of the course was excellent.
My only comment would be that the techniques we were shown were practised on adults but my work place the techniques would be used on smaller people.
I felt the course was excellent overall. The theory side was very thought provoking. I was surprised to find out that legally there is no such thing as ‘ No hands on ‘ . For myself I underwent such an ordeal followed by months off sick , only to be there in your training finding out I could have saved myself ! I didn’t, simply because I did not want to be sacked !
As I have already stated a very good course , thank you .
I really enjoyed the training. What I have learnt will be of great value to me should I ever be faced with a situation requiring me to utilise these skills. The trainer was great and delivered the course in a professional manner whilst at times making it fun .
The training matched my needs. i was keen to understand the legal side of restraints and practical restraint techniques.
I personally have nothing to add I had a great day training I felt safe at all times all the techniques we learnt were all of use and interest thanks again for an informative course
A superb course that filled me with confidence.
The training was quite beneficial to me and it was an eye opener for I had already experienced some of the scenarios that could be encountered but without the knowledge on how to deal with them, now I’m in a position to handle the different scenarios. Starting time and finishing time for each day was quite convenient, the course content was relevant to me and the information was delivered systematically such that it was easy to follow and understand. The learning atmosphere was conducive such that everyone was free to ask and questions were answered accordingly.
I found the training very useful and it addressed our needs. Many thanks.
This was a wonderful 2-day,The real intent of training was for staff to learn a system of verbal and physical intervention techniques that can help them recognize and address escalating behavior at its earliest stages—before it can escalate further,Learn how to watch for warning signs that signal escalating behavior.
Gerard teaches that staff should consider the use of a physical intervention only when all other attempts to calm escalating behavior have been tried and have failed , as emergency intervention to respond to an individual posing an immediate danger to self or others
He was excellent and very patient with anyone that struggled. The techniques were so easy, but very effective and understanding the law has really helped me Gerard considered our working environment and the customers that we work with he give us some very relevant advice Excellent balance between the law and the physical aspect of what you can and cannot do. This course has given me more confidence to deal with aggression in my workplace.
I learn a lot by doing this training and I have some different think. Now I know what to do whenever I will working with residents that have challenge behaviour.
Well organised training
Informative online training course before hand provided good background information Good practical session with colleagues
Questions about specific situations/children were answered throughout the training
A good balance of theory and practical. Most useful was the advice on risk assessment and control phase
I think that the instructor gave great information and guidance to us on the correct ways of restraining a child. I have learnt a lot of stuff from the training course. Thank you very much!
I found the course very helpful and interesting on the whole but it could have been slightly shorter.
It has given me the confidence to handle tricky situations.
I found the training very useful. Using partical and theory helped to stay focused thoughout.
The course was very well run and enjoyed it a lot
Very valuable content. Would have been good if the day was a little longer to get even more in.
Good course, interesting & thought provoking
good course, however feel it should be longer to gain more theory knowledge, whcih was down to the venue, not the trainer
Gerard used his extensive skills and knowledge to adapt his training to our specific needs and answered all of our questions. He consistently observed and monitored health and safety factors of all who attended the course.
The course was presented in a professional way with opportunity to discuss the scenarios within our working environment.
[et_pb_toggle title=”Feedback prior to 2015″ open=”off” title_font_size=”16″ body_font_size=”14″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”]
The following quotes are taken from our comprehensive post-course feedback questionnaires, which form part of our ongoing course assessment and internal review processes. We are delighted when our clients gain valuable knowledge and skills from our training courses.
“A great insight through theory and practice which was executed brilliantly. The delivery of the program, the trainer and group leaders were professional, informative, made good sense and the whole course was beneficial to my role. Thank You!”
“A really good mix of theory and practical”
“Gerard presented the training clearly and directly. He answered questions and delivered the practical side well and with understanding of people’s requirements.”
“I would definitely be able to use this training comfortably and feel confident with how I’m doing it”
“I will definitely be able to put the things that I have learned into practice”
“Gerard was very professional at all times. Recommended to our Head Teachers’ local delivery group – this training would benefit all of our local schools. Excellent. Thank you.”
“Course was excellent. It gave me the knowledge and understanding to know when and how to do restraint”
“Excellent knowledge and delivery throughout the training”
“Not too many procedures to remember – user friendly”
“Excellent instructor who gave clear answers and advice”
“Absolutely fabulous, thank you”
“A great informative day, thank you”
“Very good to get background knowledge of law, guidance, etc. as well as practical theory. Thank you.”
“Thank you, this course has helped me to be clear on the objectives and understand restraint when absolutely necessary”
“Extremely useful insights into the laws behind the advice. Good examples and easily followed advice. Our children and staff will be safer.”
“Useful techniques learned which will be very useful in school. Also made us think about our risk assessments which can be improved”
“Appreciated the time taken to consider relevant legislation. Very effective techniques which we can transfer into the classroom”
“Thank you! The training has been extremely beneficial!”
“The part of the course that related to the duty and responsibilities of management in relation to dangerous behaviour and risk assessment was of particular interest and importance”
“The background knowledge & understanding was particularly good. Knowing when to use appropriate measures was excellent”
“The instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful”
“Very informative and clear guidance on how to control situations more confidently, the procedures and legal issues”
“Really clear and easier to follow than previous training by other organisation – safer too!”
“Todays course has provided me with an understanding of the laws relevant to positive handling and increased my confidence in the use of positive strategies”
“A much clearer understanding of the laws related to restraining and the correct procedures for physical intervention”
“The legal side to the course was extremely useful and our group leader/mentor was very helpful”
“I really liked the balance between theory and practice. A good course!”
“Very Informative – particularly the legalities of restraining others”
“Learned a lot about the legal side of positive handling and the Acts which support it”
“Very clear demonstration of the steps and there was good time allocated to practice the different holds”
“I found the course gave very clear guidance on the legal conditions and the physical session was very clear”
“Very professional trainers, clearly delivered sessions. I feel very confident to use the techniques and know the legalities surrounding them”
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Call 0844 812 9795 or Get Started here:
[et_pb_testimonial author=”Mainstream Primary Teaching Staff” job_title=”UKS2 Phase Leader” company_name=”Aylesford Primary School ” url_new_window=”off” quote_icon=”on” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#f5f5f5″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”right” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” border_radii_portrait=”on|90px|90px|90px|90px”]
“The course was excellent from start to finish. Having assumed that we would be learning things that were similar to Team Teach I was really pleased to learn something new, and in my opinion better. The moves that we learnt along with the strategies to prevent using the moves felt very natural and also effective. It was also great to learn more about the legal side and knowing how the law protects teachers if they take the right steps. As a result of the course we would like to train more of our staff.”